Text - Quote

 Short explanation of the assignment: pick a quote, work it out in black and white

"Make your own luck", a very short sentence from Kate Moross, with lots of meaning for me.
This is also a book from her that I really recommend if you love typography and the life of a successful designer.

We had to create a typographic design from a quote we really liked. I choose the quote "Make your own luck" because this one inspired me a lot after I read her book. First I started a bit sketchy and noticed I was copying her work. That's not what I wanted. So I thought let's take a font that I like a lot.

The font I used is a lot more static than the way Moross works, but I still wanted it playful and give the quote meaning with the way I placed the letters. So you have to make your own luck but you will experience some ups and downs when going through your search.


