Concept - AR & VR

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are becoming a big deal these days. Beau (my classmate) and I made a concept for AR/VR in education. We did this because today you see most of AR and VR are used for medical purpose, police or apps for smartphones and tablets (example: the new Ikea AR app).

We thought of a combination of AR/VR to use in our education. So the hardware will be glasses to make it fair for all children. Because not everybody has the new iPhone and we didn't want to promote smartphones in class. Also, it isn't really handy because you have to hold your phone constantly to see something.

So glasses that a school can deliver to the children so everyone can follow the same lesson. with these glasses, you can see AR history, geography, Biology etc. 
With this AR/VR experience, the lessons will be more interesting and enjoyable. We think children will pay more attention in lessons with this experience.

Here below you see some examples I made for this concept.

A tour through the galaxy

Lessons about earthquakes and volcanoes
